Private class in Barcelona

This post will talk about the Internal Assessment (IA) for the international baccalaureate (IB) math Applications and Interpretations Standard Level (AI SL).

Many students find the IA difficult because basically the IB program says: do math. The students in general do not like things that are open ended and not given with some sort of structure. Students often prefer worksheets in which they have exercise one then two etc. But the IA is very open in that the IB just says: do math. You have to pick the math that you do. So what is the easiest way to do the IA of AI SL? The best thing to do is to model your IA after this IA that got a very good score:

Link to IA, private class

As you can see in the above IA all you have to do is pick to variables that are related to eachother and show how they are related. Use as many math tools from the AI SL syllabus as possible. Here is a list of all of the syllabus topics: Private class in Barcelona.

Link to list of AI SL syllabus

Then you will need to pick which two variables to use. Pick anything that you are interested in, a good site to get data from would be Gap Minder:

Link to Gap minder site (

Do not do a copy paste of the sample IA, but try to be inspired by it. In the introduction explain what math you are going to do, how you are going to do it, and why, what is the goal? What are you trying to show? Make your IA look professional. Use the equation writer of Microsoft Word to make your equations look as if they come from a text book. Private class in Barcelona.