IB Tutor

This post will talk about how to be a great IB Tutor and everything an IB tutor needs to know.

The first thing to know is that the IB program has a trick to it. This is that the material in the text book is nice and light and easy. But then once you get to the exams that you have throughout the school year you will notice they are much harder.

IB Tutor, Why is this?

This is because the teachers give portions of past papers as their exams. The IB exams are much harder than the book problems, quizzes, and other class materials. So the student is likely to not do as well on the exam. The exams determine the students predicted grade. The predicted IB score is what the students use to get into university. So it is very important to have a high predicted score.

How can we overcome this problem?

The key is to always do past paper problems with your IB Tutor. A good IB tutor will have all of the IB past papers and an IB question bank. The IB pàst paper questions should be organized by topic. So for example if your teacher says: «test on series and sequences on Friday» it will be very important for you to do many of the series and sequence questions from IB past papers.

Not all IB questions are of the same level. Notice on the past paper that the easy ones are worth only a few points (3 or 4) but then later in the exam there are harder problems which can be worth 15 points or more. The more points the harder the problem. So it is important to practice all of the series and sequence problems from past papers starting with the easy ones and arriving to the harder ones.

One of the question banks we use here at AE Teaching is: https://www.exam-mate.com/home/